23:29:37 - ConfigureEwf() End, status = 0x80070057.
不能创建EWF分区,该怎么办?作者: 3lar 时间: 2006-1-11 15:34 标题: 关于XP EMBEDDED休眠后快速启动的问题! 楼主做的是RAM的吗?怎么找不到Background Disk Defragmentation Disable 这个组件啊,我的是SP1的作者: lian228 时间: 2006-1-12 10:20 标题: 关于XP EMBEDDED休眠后快速启动的问题! 我的也找不到这个组件,ewf我成功了,1,Enable= Enabled,我没打对勾,没开,2,我在扩展分区,留出一些空间,没做逻辑分区作者: 天风 时间: 2006-10-19 07:51
Microsoft Windows XP Embedded
Enabling a Hibernate Once/Resume Many Environment with EWF
After you have added support for EWF and hibernation to your run-time image, verify that EWF is working and enable hibernation.
To enabling a hibernate once/resume many environment with EWF
In your run-time image, disable EWF by using ewfmgr. For example:
ewfmgr c: -disable
Restart your system. After you reboot the system, EWF will be disabled.
Verify that the hibernation file, hiberfil.sys, exists on the system. For example, use the dir command:
dir /Ahs c:\hiberfil.sys
Create the file resmany.dat. This file should be empty. For example:
notepad resmany.dat
The resmany.dat file is used to notify NTLDR to boot from the hibernation file. Typically, NTLDR changes the signature of the hibernation file when it is first booted. On a standard Windows XP Professional system, it is expected that the state of the system will change and the hibernation file will be overwritten with new data on shutdown. However in a hibernate once, resume many environment, a single hibernation file is used to boot the system repeatedly. Because NTLDR changes the signature of the hibernation file during boot, NTLDR interprets this signature change as a failed attempt to boot from the file. However, if the resmany.dat file exists, NTLDR boots from the hibernation file normally.
Enable EWF by using ewfmgr. For example:
ewfmgr c: -enable
Restart the system. After you reboot the system, EWF is enabled.
Open applications and start any processes that you want to be running on the system when it resumes from hibernation.
Use the XP Embedded Power manager utility to cause the system to hibernate.
xpepm -hibernate
Reboot the system. The system boots from the hibernation file. All of the applications and processes that were opened are running and EWF is protecting the volume