4.boot from other PE .
5.make a 1.2 or 1.5GB IMG file .
6.copy your internal hdd to the new img file .
7.boot from the img file as map --mem first .
8.register on following site
Thank you very much. But I do not like usboot, that thing has a time limit. I am undertaking a test. The idea is this:
1、 unzip the downloadedMicrosoft xp mode file to get xp vhd file;
2、mount the vhd file win7 system, and use DiskGenius backup to the image file.
3、use xp@usb boot system, Recovery the DiskGenius imagefile to the the partition of win7 system。
4、install grub4dos into the xp@usb system,and then,From gurb4dos boot into the computer‘s xp system.
5、install WinVBlock into my computer’s xp system。
6、Use DiskGenius backup my computer‘s xp system to a image file again。
7、Recovery the imagefile into a Fixed-size VHD file,(By mounting the vhd file to win7 system)
8、map the vhd file into a virtual hard disk ,and boot into xp system.
But now, faced a problem:
win7 system is overwritten, due to the role of hidden partition, the computer boot into win7 bootloader and can not boot xp syetem!
So,My idea is that ,boot into the computer’s xp system by the grub4dos installed in my mobile hard disk .Menu as follows:
title start 2thdisk xp.....
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
chainloader /ntldr
By trying, regardless of (hd0, 1) or (hd1, 1), are not working properly.
My hard disk partition as follows:
The above hard disk0 is in my computer,and the other is my mobile hard disk。xp@usb installed in c driver and recovered xp system in i disk.How can i boot my computer into the xp system in the i disk?
Thank you very much. I am wrong, usboot seems to be no time limit. These days ii'm busy and no time tried, just on the line
today to see your Replies, sorry. My VHD file is 10G large, 5G free space should be about.
start it , and only install DriveGuard from it , skip every thing else.
save changes to the img . reboot .
There is a problem do not understand why you want to use Usboot DriveGuard? After this is installed, you can use to crack xp hardware limitations? So as to solve common problems?
usb driveguard makes available the boot disk as (hdd) to the system when booting the RAMOS from USB drive , when winvblock goes looking for the backed device , if the usb drivers (usbhub.sys) have not started the usb device, it will give BSOD 0X7B . if use USBOOT driveguard , it can be easily start the usb device without need of usbhub.sys driver , thats why NO BSOD 0x7b .
yes ,you can directly install usboot driveguard . follow the procedure as dgxls or flyerboys have made tutorials .