大家都在做量产,做完后有的却发现不能启动。 是否真的不能启动呢? 给大家提供个出自微软的带debug功能的NTDETECT.COM,照它的方法试下,也许可以有作用。我自己实验的结果,还是比较好,但当有多个USB接口或带上了USB HUB时,可能会花很长的时间,在此期间屏幕完全一片黑,象死机了一样。
The BIOS may fail to properly enumerate USB bootable devices, which results in a blue screen
and failure of USB boot. When troubleshooting USB boot failure, use the NTDETECT.COM tool
and the following procedure to verify that the BIOS properly enumerates USB bootable
To verify USB bootable devices
Boot the device.
The tool displays the bootable devices identified by the BIOS.
If bootable devices are found, the following output appears:
Enumerating Interrupt 13 disks found on this system
Enumeration done. Press a key to continue...
where <NNN>-<NN>-<N>-<NN>-<NNN> represents the drive characteristics for each bootable
If the BIOS fails to find any bootable devices, the tool displays failure reasons and
prompts the user to ignore and retry. Upon retry, the tool then enumerates any boot disks
found on the system with their drive characteristics.
Failure to find bootable devices may indicate a problem in any of the following areas:
USB storage medium
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