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[求助] 5T移动硬盘安装ventoy后,无法启动,另一块1T的正常

发表于 2022-12-6 19:49:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lz_0618 于 2022-12-6 19:53 编辑



发表于 2022-12-6 19:52:21 | 只看该作者


刚才找了一个32GB的小U盘,转换成GPT分区后,进行无损安装,启动是正常的,难道5T硬盘ventoy不支持?  详情 回复 发表于 2022-12-6 20:10
其他设置都一样的,就分区表类型一个是MBR,一个是GPT,要都弄成GPT,移动硬盘数据太多了,费劲了!  详情 回复 发表于 2022-12-6 19:56

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2022-12-6 19:56:52 | 只看该作者
longpanda 发表于 2022-12-6 19:52



用DG直接转就行了,很方便的吧!  详情 回复 发表于 2022-12-27 20:02

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2022-12-6 20:10:30 | 只看该作者
longpanda 发表于 2022-12-6 19:52


使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-12-7 08:44:36 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-12-7 09:03:37 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-12-7 15:26:39 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-12-9 22:48:23 | 只看该作者


出不来  详情 回复 发表于 2022-12-13 21:23

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2022-12-13 21:23:14 | 只看该作者


使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-12-26 11:06:29 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-12-27 20:02:13 | 只看该作者
lz_0618 发表于 2022-12-6 19:56



应该和GPT分区无关,我小硬盘用GPT分区也能正常启动!应该是硬盘尺寸太大ventoy不支持  详情 回复 发表于 2022-12-28 11:39

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2022-12-28 11:39:14 | 只看该作者
gtc 发表于 2022-12-27 20:02


使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-12-28 19:52:01 | 只看该作者
我的硬盘柜三个4t   能顺利安装。就是开想引导不了。全gpt就是不能开想引导。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2022-12-29 06:16:45 来自手机 | 只看该作者


试了下1.0.86版本,也是这样!无损安装时,用Ventoy压缩出32M的分区错误,后来用windows自带的磁盘管理压缩出了32M的未使用空间,安装ventoy成功,但还是启动不了,启动时也不报错误,直接进入硬盘启动! 下面是v  详情 回复 发表于 2022-12-31 23:55

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2022-12-31 23:55:48 | 只看该作者



  1. ##################################################################################
  2. ######################### Ventoy2DiskX86 (1.0.86)  #########################
  3. ##################################################################################
  4. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.358] Current directory:<K>
  5. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.369] id=6792/16596
  6. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.375] PPath:<C:\Windows\explorer.exe>
  7. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.377] PSize:<5143288 5022KB>
  8. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.379] Lunch main process 0
  9. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.380] Control Flag: 0 1 1
  10. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.382] Set Ventoy FS ClusterSize 0
  11. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.384] Windows Version: <<Windows 10 Enterprise, 64-bit (Build 19045.2251)>>
  12. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.386]
  13. ===================== Enum All PhyDrives =====================
  14. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.387] RegOpenKeyExA <SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\disk\Enum> Ret:0
  15. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.393] RegQueryValueExA <Count> ret:0  Size:4 Value:2
  16. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.395] GetPhysicalDriveCount: 2
  17. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.396] Logical Drives: 0x50c
  18. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.397] LogicalDrive:\\.\C: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:290455552 ExtentLength:107374182400
  19. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.398] C --> 0
  20. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.399] LogicalDrive:\\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:107664637952 ExtentLength:298525392896
  21. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.400] D --> 0
  22. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.401] LogicalDrive:\\.\I: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:448145653760 ExtentLength:12582912000
  23. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.402] I --> 0
  24. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.403] LogicalDrive:\\.\K: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:5000946236928
  25. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.404] K --> 1
  26. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.410] Create file Handle:00000118 \\.\PhysicalDrive0 status:0
  27. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.420] PHYSICALDRIVE0 size 512110190592 bytes
  28. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.428] Create file Handle:00000118 \\.\PhysicalDrive1 status:0
  29. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.429] PHYSICALDRIVE1 size 5000947302400 bytes
  30. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.431] PhyDrv:0 BusType:Nvme Removable:0 Size:512GB(512110190592) Name: SAMSUNG MZVLB512HBJQ-000L2
  31. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.432] PhyDrv:1 BusType:USB  Removable:0 Size:5000GB(5000947302400) Name:WD My Passport 2627
  32. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.433] LogicalDrive:\\.\C: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:290455552 ExtentLength:107374182400
  33. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.434] Logical Drive:C  ===> PhyDrive:0
  34. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.435] LogicalDrive:\\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:107664637952 ExtentLength:298525392896
  35. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.436] Logical Drive:D  ===> PhyDrive:0
  36. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.437] LogicalDrive:\\.\I: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:448145653760 ExtentLength:12582912000
  37. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.438] Logical Drive:I  ===> PhyDrive:0
  38. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.444] LogicalDrive:\\.\K: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:5000946236928
  39. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.446] Logical Drive:K  ===> PhyDrive:1
  40. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.447] Create file Handle:00000118 \\.\PhysicalDrive1 status:0
  41. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.449] Read MBR Ret:1 Size:512 code:183
  42. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.450] =========== Disk1 GPT Partition 1 ============
  43. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.451] PartTbl.PartType = {ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7}
  44. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.452] PartTbl.PartGuid = {07917a19-19bc-4f59-a051-38f1a3f310c9}
  45. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.453] PartTbl.StartLBA = 2048
  46. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.454] PartTbl.LastLBA = 9767475166
  47. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.455] PartTbl.Attribute = 0x0
  48. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.461] PartTbl.Name = My Passport
  49. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.462] Invalid ventoy efi part name <null>
  50. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.463] < SAMSUNG MZVLB512HBJQ-000L2> is filtered for not USB type.
  51. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.496] Load languages from json file ...
  52. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.498] language json file len:268932 json parse:0
  53. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.500] Total 51 languages ...
  54. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.552] Not ventoy disk, set secure boot option
  55. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.615] Courier New font <C:\Windows\Fonts\couri.ttf> exist OK.
  56. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.628] system_dir=<C:\Windows\system32>
  57. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.630] sysnative_dir=<C:\Windows\Sysnative>
  58. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.632] LoadLibrary shell32.dll.mui SUCCESS
  59. [2022/12/31 23:37:30.633] SetAlertPromptHook SUCCESS
  60. [2022/12/31 23:38:01.217] PartResizePreCheck ...
  61. [2022/12/31 23:38:01.552] BytesPerSector for this disk is 512
  62. [2022/12/31 23:38:01.554] Logical drives in this disk: K:  (WinDir:C:\Windows)
  63. [2022/12/31 23:38:01.555] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk1\DR1
  64. [2022/12/31 23:38:01.558] [0] CreateFileA \\.\PhysicalDrive1 code:0 000002BC
  65. [2022/12/31 23:38:01.561] GPT Part1 StartLBA:2048 LastLBA:9767475166
  66. [2022/12/31 23:38:01.563] DiskSize:5000947302400 NextPartStart:5000947285504(LBA:9767475167) Index:-1
  67. [2022/12/31 23:38:01.565] Valid partition table (GPT): Valid partition count:1
  68. [2022/12/31 23:38:01.567] Partition 1 start at: 1048576 1024KB, end:5000947285504, NextPartStart:5000947285504
  69. [2022/12/31 23:38:01.573] There is no free space after partition 1
  70. [2022/12/31 23:38:01.574] LogicalDrive:\\.\K: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:5000946236928
  71. [2022/12/31 23:38:01.575] Find the partition 1 logical drive is K:
  72. [2022/12/31 23:38:01.576] SectorsPerCluster:8 BytesPerSector:512 NumberOfFreeClusters:403122633 TotalNumberOfClusters:1220934139  
  73. [2022/12/31 23:38:01.577] <K:> freespace 1651190304768 1574697MB 1537GB
  74. [2022/12/31 23:38:01.578] Volume GUID: <\\?\Volume{07917a19-19bc-4f59-a051-38f1a3f310c9}\>
  75. [2022/12/31 23:38:01.579] GetVolumeInformationA failed 123
  76. [2022/12/31 23:38:01.579] #### Part Resize PreCheck Failed ####
  77. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.332]
  78. ##################################################################################
  79. ######################### Ventoy2DiskX86 (1.0.86)  #########################
  80. ##################################################################################
  81. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.371] Current directory:<K>
  82. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.382] id=3468/15264
  83. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.395] PPath:<D:\Program Files\Coodesker\coodesker-x64.exe>
  84. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.397] PSize:<5479936 5351KB>
  85. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.399] Lunch main process 0
  86. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.400] Control Flag: 0 1 1
  87. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.401] Set Ventoy FS ClusterSize 0
  88. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.404] Windows Version: <<Windows 10 Enterprise, 64-bit (Build 19045.2251)>>
  89. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.405]
  90. ===================== Enum All PhyDrives =====================
  91. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.406] RegOpenKeyExA <SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\disk\Enum> Ret:0
  92. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.407] RegQueryValueExA <Count> ret:0  Size:4 Value:2
  93. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.407] GetPhysicalDriveCount: 2
  94. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.408] Logical Drives: 0x50c
  95. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.410] LogicalDrive:\\.\C: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:290455552 ExtentLength:107374182400
  96. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.411] C --> 0
  97. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.411] LogicalDrive:\\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:107664637952 ExtentLength:298525392896
  98. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.412] D --> 0
  99. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.413] LogicalDrive:\\.\I: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:448145653760 ExtentLength:12582912000
  100. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.413] I --> 0
  101. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.414] LogicalDrive:\\.\K: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:5000946236928
  102. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.415] K --> 1
  103. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.415] Create file Handle:0000011C \\.\PhysicalDrive0 status:0
  104. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.425] PHYSICALDRIVE0 size 512110190592 bytes
  105. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.428] Create file Handle:0000011C \\.\PhysicalDrive1 status:0
  106. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.429] PHYSICALDRIVE1 size 5000947302400 bytes
  107. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.430] PhyDrv:0 BusType:Nvme Removable:0 Size:512GB(512110190592) Name: SAMSUNG MZVLB512HBJQ-000L2
  108. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.431] PhyDrv:1 BusType:USB  Removable:0 Size:5000GB(5000947302400) Name:WD My Passport 2627
  109. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.432] LogicalDrive:\\.\C: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:290455552 ExtentLength:107374182400
  110. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.432] Logical Drive:C  ===> PhyDrive:0
  111. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.433] LogicalDrive:\\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:107664637952 ExtentLength:298525392896
  112. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.434] Logical Drive:D  ===> PhyDrive:0
  113. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.434] LogicalDrive:\\.\I: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:448145653760 ExtentLength:12582912000
  114. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.435] Logical Drive:I  ===> PhyDrive:0
  115. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.436] LogicalDrive:\\.\K: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:5000946236928
  116. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.436] Logical Drive:K  ===> PhyDrive:1
  117. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.437] Create file Handle:00000118 \\.\PhysicalDrive1 status:0
  118. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.440] Read MBR Ret:1 Size:512 code:183
  119. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.441] =========== Disk1 GPT Partition 1 ============
  120. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.442] PartTbl.PartType = {ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7}
  121. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.443] PartTbl.PartGuid = {07917a19-19bc-4f59-a051-38f1a3f310c9}
  122. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.443] PartTbl.StartLBA = 2048
  123. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.444] PartTbl.LastLBA = 9767475166
  124. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.445] PartTbl.Attribute = 0x0
  125. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.446] PartTbl.Name = My Passport
  126. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.446] Invalid ventoy efi part name <null>
  127. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.447] < SAMSUNG MZVLB512HBJQ-000L2> is filtered for not USB type.
  128. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.480] Load languages from json file ...
  129. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.499] language json file len:268932 json parse:0
  130. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.501] Total 51 languages ...
  131. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.548] Not ventoy disk, set secure boot option
  132. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.556] Courier New font <C:\Windows\Fonts\couri.ttf> exist OK.
  133. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.563] system_dir=<C:\Windows\system32>
  134. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.564] sysnative_dir=<C:\Windows\Sysnative>
  135. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.566] LoadLibrary shell32.dll.mui SUCCESS
  136. [2022/12/31 23:38:28.567] SetAlertPromptHook SUCCESS
  137. [2022/12/31 23:38:51.347] PartResizePreCheck ...
  138. [2022/12/31 23:38:51.351] BytesPerSector for this disk is 512
  139. [2022/12/31 23:38:51.353] Logical drives in this disk: K:  (WinDir:C:\Windows)
  140. [2022/12/31 23:38:51.356] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk1\DR2
  141. [2022/12/31 23:38:51.358] [0] CreateFileA \\.\PhysicalDrive1 code:0 000002C4
  142. [2022/12/31 23:38:51.362] GPT Part1 StartLBA:2048 LastLBA:9767475166
  143. [2022/12/31 23:38:51.365] DiskSize:5000947302400 NextPartStart:5000947285504(LBA:9767475167) Index:-1
  144. [2022/12/31 23:38:51.368] Valid partition table (GPT): Valid partition count:1
  145. [2022/12/31 23:38:51.371] Partition 1 start at: 1048576 1024KB, end:5000947285504, NextPartStart:5000947285504
  146. [2022/12/31 23:38:51.373] There is no free space after partition 1
  147. [2022/12/31 23:38:51.376] LogicalDrive:\\.\K: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:5000946236928
  148. [2022/12/31 23:38:51.378] Find the partition 1 logical drive is K:
  149. [2022/12/31 23:38:51.381] SectorsPerCluster:8 BytesPerSector:512 NumberOfFreeClusters:403122632 TotalNumberOfClusters:1220934139  
  150. [2022/12/31 23:38:51.384] <K:> freespace 1651190300672 1574697MB 1537GB
  151. [2022/12/31 23:38:51.388] Volume GUID: <\\?\Volume{07917a19-19bc-4f59-a051-38f1a3f310c9}\>
  152. [2022/12/31 23:38:51.390] GetVolumeInformationA failed 123
  153. [2022/12/31 23:38:51.393] #### Part Resize PreCheck Failed ####
  154. [2022/12/31 23:44:01.009] PartResizePreCheck ...
  155. [2022/12/31 23:44:01.331] BytesPerSector for this disk is 512
  156. [2022/12/31 23:44:01.333] Logical drives in this disk: K:  (WinDir:C:\Windows)
  157. [2022/12/31 23:44:01.334] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk1\DR2
  158. [2022/12/31 23:44:01.335] [0] CreateFileA \\.\PhysicalDrive1 code:0 000002C4
  159. [2022/12/31 23:44:01.352] GPT Part1 StartLBA:2048 LastLBA:9767409630
  160. [2022/12/31 23:44:01.354] DiskSize:5000947302400 NextPartStart:5000947285504(LBA:9767475167) Index:-1
  161. [2022/12/31 23:44:01.355] Valid partition table (GPT): Valid partition count:1
  162. [2022/12/31 23:44:01.356] Partition 1 start at: 1048576 1024KB, end:5000913731072, NextPartStart:5000947285504
  163. [2022/12/31 23:44:01.357] Free space after partition 1 (33554432) is enough for VTOYEFI part
  164. [2022/12/31 23:44:05.557] #####################################################
  165. [2022/12/31 23:44:05.560] PartitionResizeForVentoy PhyDrive1 <<WD My Passport 2627 5000GB>>
  166. [2022/12/31 23:44:05.563] #####################################################
  167. [2022/12/31 23:44:05.567] Disksize:5000947302400 Part2Start:5000913731072
  168. [2022/12/31 23:44:05.570] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk1\DR2
  169. [2022/12/31 23:44:05.573] [0] CreateFileA \\.\PhysicalDrive1 code:0 000002D4
  170. [2022/12/31 23:44:05.576] Opened \\.\PhysicalDrive1 for exclusive write access
  171. [2022/12/31 23:44:05.579] FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME success
  172. [2022/12/31 23:44:05.583] FormatPart2Fat 9767409631...
  173. [2022/12/31 23:44:05.817] Malloc whole img buffer success, now decompress ...
  174. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.347] decompress finished success
  175. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.351] VentoyProcSecureBoot 1 ...
  176. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.352] Secure boot is enabled ...
  177. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.356] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  178. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.362] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  179. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.367] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  180. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.372] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  181. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.377] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  182. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.455] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  183. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.463] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  184. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.472] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  185. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.481] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  186. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.489] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  187. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.498] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  188. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.507] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  189. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.516] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  190. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.524] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  191. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.533] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  192. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.542] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  193. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.551] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  194. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.559] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  195. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.568] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  196. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.577] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  197. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.584] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  198. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.594] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  199. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.603] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  200. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.611] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  201. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.620] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  202. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.629] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  203. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.638] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  204. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.646] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  205. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.654] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  206. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.664] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  207. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.671] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  208. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.681] Write part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  209. [2022/12/31 23:44:06.935] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  210. [2022/12/31 23:44:07.044] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  211. [2022/12/31 23:44:07.152] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  212. [2022/12/31 23:44:07.261] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  213. [2022/12/31 23:44:07.370] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  214. [2022/12/31 23:44:07.491] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  215. [2022/12/31 23:44:07.609] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  216. [2022/12/31 23:44:07.707] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  217. [2022/12/31 23:44:07.816] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  218. [2022/12/31 23:44:07.935] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  219. [2022/12/31 23:44:08.043] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  220. [2022/12/31 23:44:08.153] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  221. [2022/12/31 23:44:08.262] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  222. [2022/12/31 23:44:08.381] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  223. [2022/12/31 23:44:08.490] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  224. [2022/12/31 23:44:08.599] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  225. [2022/12/31 23:44:08.708] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  226. [2022/12/31 23:44:08.828] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  227. [2022/12/31 23:44:08.937] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  228. [2022/12/31 23:44:09.056] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  229. [2022/12/31 23:44:09.176] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  230. [2022/12/31 23:44:09.274] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  231. [2022/12/31 23:44:09.393] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  232. [2022/12/31 23:44:09.513] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  233. [2022/12/31 23:44:09.633] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  234. [2022/12/31 23:44:09.742] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  235. [2022/12/31 23:44:09.756] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  236. [2022/12/31 23:44:09.762] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  237. [2022/12/31 23:44:09.769] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  238. [2022/12/31 23:44:09.774] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  239. [2022/12/31 23:44:09.780] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  240. [2022/12/31 23:44:09.787] Read part data bRet:1 dwSize:1048576 code:183
  241. [2022/12/31 23:44:09.795] Writing Boot Image .............................
  242. [2022/12/31 23:44:09.796] WriteGrubStage1ToPhyDrive ...
  243. [2022/12/31 23:44:09.832] Write GPT stage1 ...
  244. [2022/12/31 23:44:09.837] WriteFile Ret:1 dwSize:1031168 ErrCode:183
  245. [2022/12/31 23:44:09.841] Writing partition table .............................
  246. [2022/12/31 23:44:09.843] Copy boot img success
  247. [2022/12/31 23:44:09.844] pGPT->Head.EfiStartLBA=1
  248. [2022/12/31 23:44:09.846] pGPT->Head.EfiBackupLBA=9767475199
  249. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.859] #### Now Refresh PhyDrive ####
  250. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.872]
  251. ===================== Enum All PhyDrives =====================
  252. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.875] RegOpenKeyExA <SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\disk\Enum> Ret:0
  253. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.877] RegQueryValueExA <Count> ret:0  Size:4 Value:2
  254. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.878] GetPhysicalDriveCount: 2
  255. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.880] Logical Drives: 0x50c
  256. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.881] LogicalDrive:\\.\C: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:290455552 ExtentLength:107374182400
  257. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.882] C --> 0
  258. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.883] LogicalDrive:\\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:107664637952 ExtentLength:298525392896
  259. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.885] D --> 0
  260. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.886] LogicalDrive:\\.\I: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:448145653760 ExtentLength:12582912000
  261. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.887] I --> 0
  262. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.888] LogicalDrive:\\.\K: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:5000912682496
  263. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.889] K --> 1
  264. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.890] Create file Handle:000002DC \\.\PhysicalDrive0 status:0
  265. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.898] PHYSICALDRIVE0 size 512110190592 bytes
  266. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.905] Create file Handle:000002DC \\.\PhysicalDrive1 status:0
  267. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.907] PHYSICALDRIVE1 size 5000947302400 bytes
  268. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.908] PhyDrv:0 BusType:Nvme Removable:0 Size:512GB(512110190592) Name: SAMSUNG MZVLB512HBJQ-000L2
  269. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.908] PhyDrv:1 BusType:USB  Removable:0 Size:5000GB(5000947302400) Name:WD My Passport 2627
  270. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.910] LogicalDrive:\\.\C: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:290455552 ExtentLength:107374182400
  271. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.912] Logical Drive:C  ===> PhyDrive:0
  272. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.912] LogicalDrive:\\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:107664637952 ExtentLength:298525392896
  273. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.913] Logical Drive:D  ===> PhyDrive:0
  274. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.914] LogicalDrive:\\.\I: PhyDrive:0 Num:1 Offset:448145653760 ExtentLength:12582912000
  275. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.915] Logical Drive:I  ===> PhyDrive:0
  276. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.916] LogicalDrive:\\.\K: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:5000912682496
  277. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.916] Logical Drive:K  ===> PhyDrive:1
  278. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.917] Create file Handle:000002DC \\.\PhysicalDrive1 status:0
  279. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.950] Read MBR Ret:1 Size:512 code:183
  280. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.984] =========== Disk1 GPT Partition 1 ============
  281. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.986] PartTbl.PartType = {ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7}
  282. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.987] PartTbl.PartGuid = {07917a19-19bc-4f59-a051-38f1a3f310c9}
  283. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.988] PartTbl.StartLBA = 2048
  284. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.989] PartTbl.LastLBA = 9767409630
  285. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.990] PartTbl.Attribute = 0x0
  286. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.992] PartTbl.Name = My Passport
  287. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.992] =========== Disk1 GPT Partition 2 ============
  288. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.993] PartTbl.PartType = {ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7}
  289. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.994] PartTbl.PartGuid = {0ccdfbfb-d9c1-40d9-b302-3f95d4f57ace}
  290. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.995] PartTbl.StartLBA = 9767409631
  291. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.995] PartTbl.LastLBA = 9767475166
  292. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.996] PartTbl.Attribute = 0xc000000000000001
  293. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.998] PartTbl.Name = VTOYEFI
  294. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.998] PhysicalDrive1 is ventoy disk
  295. [2022/12/31 23:44:11.999] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk1\DR2
  296. [2022/12/31 23:44:12.000] [0] CreateFileA \\.\PhysicalDrive1 code:0 000002D4
  297. [2022/12/31 23:44:12.001] Parse FAT fs...
  298. [2022/12/31 23:44:12.002] attach media success...
  299. [2022/12/31 23:44:12.030] GetVentoyVerInPhyDrive rc=0...
  300. [2022/12/31 23:44:12.060] VentoyVerInPhyDrive 1 is <1.0.86>...
  301. [2022/12/31 23:44:12.083] PhyDrive 1 is Ventoy Disk ver:1.0.86 SecureBoot:1
  302. [2022/12/31 23:44:12.085] LogicalDrive:\\.\K: PhyDrive:1 Num:1 Offset:1048576 ExtentLength:5000912682496
  303. [2022/12/31 23:44:12.087] Find the partition 1 logical drive is K:\
  304. [2022/12/31 23:44:12.088] GetVolumeClusterSize K:\ SUCCESS 8 512 4096
  305. [2022/12/31 23:44:12.089] GetVentoyFsNameInPhyDrive 1 K:\ <NTFS> <NTFS>
  306. [2022/12/31 23:44:12.090] < SAMSUNG MZVLB512HBJQ-000L2> is filtered for not USB type.
  307. [2022/12/31 23:44:12.091] ### Ventoy non-destructive installation successfully finished <1.0.86>
  308. [2022/12/31 23:44:12.095] Combox select change, update secure boot option: 1 1
  309. [2022/12/31 23:44:15.822] Combox select change, update secure boot option: 1 1

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